We had Thanksgiving early this year - thinking that Dave would be gone before the actual day. Turns out he's still here, so we had the opportunity to have Thanksgiving twice - yay turkey! I'm sure we'll be having ham or something else for Christmas dinner...
Today, we went around the room asking what people are thankful for - here's a sample: family & friends; everything that life has given me so far; my health; having too much food on the table and not being able to eat it all; to be out of the hospital & mobile, and for all the ladies in my life; for having healthy cats and a job; dessert; zig-zag papers and roll-on deoderant; someone else killed & de-feathered the turkey for me; running water and indoor plumbing; not all pennies are made of copper; that Seward bought Alaska...
It's good to spend time with those we love and take a little time to remember the really important things... Hope yours was as happy as mine. =)