Another birthday has come and gone. It was a good one, and once again I look forward to the next year being a fantastic! (One of these days I'll post a "Year-in-Review" entry.) I am fortunate. Friends & family threw me a surprise party - wahoo! And I got a new digital camera (among other things - including a popcorn maker almost as tall as me. Yeah!!), so there's no excuse for not posting now. We took lots of pics and I was excited to use them. But since it was new equipment, somehow I hit the wrong button and deleted them all. Permanently. Including the pictures Greg took of the IT Expo and the SuperTech competition. And my birthday. And my niece & nephew. I was bummed! But now I know how to delete individual pictures, the whole lot of them, and where to go (if you haven't already taken the card out of the camera) to retrieve what you've accidentally deleted. This camera is *much* fancier than my first. We'll get along... soon.
Here are pics from the job site. I love the colors!