15 June, 2010

Cousin Larry

I always love it when family comes to town!  It was almost a year ago to the day that I first met Greg's cousin Larry (see post here).  Fortunately for us, that wasn't his last trip to Alaska.
Visits like this give me a chance to glean a little bit about Greg from the "Before I Knew Him" Era (and sometimes I even get something new from the "When He Was Little" Age).  This can be interesting or scary, depending on the event and who's telling the story.  =)  I'm glad we were able to get together for a little bit - seems it's been an eventful year for our cousin  (congratulations on your engagement!!!; glad you made it through the layoffs; good luck on selling your house!), and it was so nice to visit for a while.
All too soon, dinner is over and it's time to go our separate ways.  But this time, we know we'll be seeing Cousin Larry in July - *sweet*!!

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