08 February, 2010

Remodel Update - Floor Progress

The floor is going down!!  A couple nights last week, Greg was able to get a few rows done.  The calculations we did for the cuts are working nicely, so we have minimal waste and seams are nicely offset.  By Saturday afternoon, the office floor was almost completely done.  Yay!!
But now I've learned we hit a snag.  Boo!  Early on, we decided to run the wood grain lengthwise - this will tie the rooms together (since they're mostly open anyway) and supposedly make the "great room" look longer.  This is all good an fine, and will look best once it's done.  But we can't cut the slats off at the door of the office because of the groove on the end.  Which means that instead of finishing the office before we start work in the living/dining room, we've got to run the flooring at least a little ways into the room.  Which in turn means that we've got to get some of the work done out here before we can continue in there. Disappointment of all disappointments - we even had to take out that blasted door that we just put in.  Damn!  Well, here's to hoping that it goes in easier the second time.
The office is tantalizingly close to completion.  A few more rows of flooring, paint the trim, slap it in, and voila! we're moving furniture back into the room.  But instead, we had to determine light box placement (we're ripping up some of the ceiling so we can move some of the light fixtures) and furniture arrangement (plays to power in the wall and running cables).  Another trip to the remodel store (thanks for the help, James!) and we've got the supplies on-hand for this next part.
Greg did some demolition tonight to remove some of the sheetrock and ceiling where we need to do the next bit of work.  He found a lovely surprise in the wall (no, nothing dead, thank goodness!).  Look at the style of that can!
I told Greg that we need to get done what we can and wrap up for the summer no later than April first.  If that means we're walking on plywood for the summer, so be it.  Summers are always crazy here, and there's going to be little to no time to spend working inside on the house.  So the next few weeks will bring us to the culmination of this winter's part.  We're definitely going to be spending next winter (at least part of it) in the construction zone, but we'll have the summer off.

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