01 January, 2010

Let the New Year Commence!

Note: I forgot to take my camera (and it probably wouldn't have worked so well anyway), so all pictures for today's post are courtesy of Greg and his fancy-pants camera.

We rang in the New Year surrounded by friends out in Big Lake.  Plenty of food, bonfires, visiting, and fireworks.  I couldn't ask for anything more, as we celebrate the end of 2009 and prepare for the beginning of 2010.

On the night of the Blue Moon - one with a lunar eclipse, no less - we trekked out to be with friends.  The trip out had bits of fog hanging over the valley, making parts of the road seem eerie and disconnected.  But traffic was light, crazies were already ensconced wherever they were going, and road conditions were good.  We made good time - only an hour and twenty minutes - and there were friends and food waiting on our arrival.

I always love a good bonfire - and last night we had three.  Which was absolutely marvelous, as ambient temperatures were below zero.  I planned ahead and wore thermals under my jeans; two pairs of socks (I should have worn my boots, but opted for multi-layer socks and slip on/off shoes for ease of entrance to the house); my fur head band for super-toasty ears; and of course the requisite coat, gloves, and scarf.  I positioned myself with one fire at my back, the other at my front and stayed pretty warm for most of the night.

Plenty of camaraderie, a whole bunch of fireworks, and lots of laughing.  That's how we spent the last bit of time from the year just past.  Can't imagine a more fitting end.

And now it's the beginning of a New Year.  We made it safely through the last one, and are starry-eyed with the promise and portends of the next one looming in front of us.  We have goals: finish the remodel - at least the flooring (joint); get back to working on exercising (mine); run to Florida (Greg's - it's literal running, with a virtual trip to Davie - you can follow his progress here).

My hope for you (and for me) is that this coming year is a good one.  That we are surrounded by those we love and can find the peace and contentment that comes through happiness.  God bless us, everyone!  =)

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