28 December, 2007

Luminarias for Christmas Eve


Holly said...

These are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

My name is Brenda of Virginia Beach, VA. Illuminate A Cause, LLC (a not-for-profit organization) is working to unite and empower neighbors near and far through the luminary event, Share Your Light Night (SYLNight).

This event has already spread into other surrounding cities and we were wondering if your group would like to adopt the second Saturday and be part of a larger event.

We will be lighting our luminaries December 13, the second Saturday of the month of December. This will be our second year doing this event citywide, and hope you will join other cities on the national level.

Although your city is not our neighbor city in the conventional sense, we can still be sister cities through this luminary event as its beauty and uniting spirit are felt by all people nationwide, as well as in other countries. Holding this event before Christmas has proven to find more people at home, therefore will offer a higher percentage of participation within neighborhoods, counties, cities and towns.

Another option you might consider is what our neighborhood groups have adopted. Since luminary products are used for this event, you could have your neighbors or businesses purchase these bags and all proceeds could go to your local or national charities.

Please let us know if you would like to join with us.

It is simply saying yes, no or maybe. You do not have to by anything from us as we're not in it to sell anything. We simply want to unite people.

Will you join us?